Heating & Cooling


The furnace system controls the temperature and moves air throughout the home to keep the occupants comfortable while also filtering out dust and allergens for better air quality. A yearly maintenance inspection can keep the HVAC systems functioning at peak efficiency.

Common issues can be:

• Duct work loosened due to normal thermal expansion and contraction

• Blower motor bearings in need of lubrication

• Replacing the air filter and cleaning dust from blower fan blades and AC condensing coil.

An inspection can also find less apparent problems, such as:

• Loose blower belt

• Improperly firing burners

• Blocked condensate drain

• Loose wiring harnesses

• Slowly leaking coolant from the AC system

The best way to keep the furnace efficient and reliable is to inspect it before peak use. Before cold weather strikes, set up an appointment to have your heating system serviced by an expert and licensed HVAC specialist.


(All images are from our previous inspections)


Fireplace and chimney systems may be unsafe because of poor construction or installation, building settlements, improper usage or poor maintenance. In any case, fireplace and chimney systems should be inspected and cleaned annually. A visual inspection is a general overview of the readily accessible parts to determine if the system meets current regulations. We visually inspect homes equipped with wood-burning or gas fireplaces.


A thorough air conditioning inspection will help make sure the unit is operating at peak efficiency. Even little things such as a partially clogged indoor or outdoor coil, an improper refrigerant level or a dirty air filter will cause the system to work harder and use more energy than it needs to.