Windows, Doors & Skylights


Windows provide light and ventilation for the home at the expense of some heat loss (windows create more heat escape than even an uninsulated wall). It also allows air leakage and can cause water damage if it is poorly installed or maintained. Windows are a relatively complex system and can suffer problems including but not limited to:

• Panes of glass may be missing, broken or cracked.

• Double or triple-glazed windows may lose their seal.

• The putty or glazing compound holding a window in place may have deteriorated, loose or missing.

• Sashes may deteriorate due to mechanical damage, rot, or failed joints. Sash cords often are broken or missing. Sashes and frames on old metal windows are susceptible to condensation problems.

• Caulking is not a lifetime material and should be replaced every 10 to 12 years.

• Inoperable windows are widespread and may result from paint or dirt in the operating mechanisms or tracks.


(All images are from our previous inspections)


Aside from providing safety and a route of entry, doors can add to the home's architectural appeal. Doors present a security problem in most houses and are a source of heat loss due to poor insulation. Air and water leakage around door openings are also typical. Some doors add natural light and ventilation (e.g.sliding glass doors) to a home. Exterior doors should be sturdy enough to offer security, stand up to weathering, fit tightly to minimize air and water leakage, and include locking hardware.


Low-quality and poorly installed skylights are very common, and most skylights have leaked at some point. Manufactured skylights should be installed following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Skylights are often installed after the house is built, and installation can be tricky. In addition, cutting a hole in the roof can cause vulnerability around the area, and the chance of water leakage must be prevented as much as possible where the skylight joins the roof covering. This can be difficult, as the skylight almost always presents a curb that will collect water.